Wednesday, December 25, 2019

My Reflection On Communication And Communication - 1100 Words

This quarter during communications we were told that we had to do four speeches and two impromptus. Initially, this made me nervous because I didn’t know what I would speak about or who I would do pair and group work with. These speeches made each student in the class meet goals at their own pace (sort of), allowed them to grow their communication skills, and learn more about topics that interested them. The first of the three goals was to â€Å"improve ability to deliver speeches for a variety of purposes, situations, and audiences.† This goal was to be met by giving both prepared and impromptu speeches both in class and to other groups. My speeches were my introductory speech, my talk from TEC, a persuasive speech about media bias with†¦show more content†¦There were times where I was unable to meet with my ILP partner that day but even with that everything went smoothly in regards to communicating ideas. This also relates to my persuasive speech. There were many times where one of the pair of Abby and I were gone. However, we were still able to communicate our ideas with each other because we had documents that we could both access and were efficient enough to get everything done when both of us were here. The goal of communicating effectively in groups was shown by the senior center visits and group informative planning. The senior center visits ability is shown mostly through my senior service learning project, where I went over each what happened during our visits, how I felt, and what impact it had on me. These things are also shown through my journal entries from the weeks that we visited. The group informative helped me grow as a communicator because we had three people that were all working together and all had different ideas of what should be in the speech. We had to discuss exactly what part of the broad topic we wanted to inform the audience of, which ended up being misconceptions. The time spent working on it w as sometimes silent, but at other times was full of discussion on what we were working on and what partsShow MoreRelatedMy Reflection on Nursing Communication1143 Words   |  5 Pagesaphasia (speech loss) and dysphagia (swallowing difficulties). He relies on carers for all normal activities required for daily living (Roper et al 1996) and is advised to have a pureed diet and thickened fluids. My mentor asked me to observe her feeding Mr Comer. She had prepared my learning the week previously by providing literature on the subject of feeding elderly patients and discussion on safe practice for feeding patients with dysphagia. I was alarmed and unprepared for the physicalRead MoreReflective Essay1432 Words   |  6 Pagespatients outcome. Reflection is an everyday process and is very personal matter. Jasper (2003) suggests that reflection is one of the key ways in which we can learn from our experiences. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How New Media Can Not Be Easily Defined And The Term...

New Media cannot be easily defined and the term changes daily. It involves anything that is related to the internet and the relationship between technology, images, and sound. It is something that is vastly used in our generation and used throughout the world. New media has completely changed the way people lived and continues to evolve daily. Before there was ever a term called new media, old media or print media was flourishing in our society. Print media includes anything light and portable from books to newspapers to magazines, and could be published once, daily, weekly, monthly, etc. It was a great stepping stone for the new media, even though they are contrasts of one another and competitors today. However, it seems like the new media is dominating, and is causing the old media to suffer. New Media is basically anything that involves the internet and World Wide Web, and an interaction between technology, images, and sounds. They are â€Å"forms of communicating in the digital world, which includes publishing on CDs, DVDs and, most significantly, over the Internet. It implies that the user obtains the material via desktop and laptop computers, smartphones and tablets† (PC Mag). It is an on-demand type of access, in which any content could be viewed anywhere or anytime, as long as there is some sort of digital device. There is a brief timeline in which different parts of new media were used. It all started around 1993 when web pages were created. A year later, Yahoo! wasShow MoreRelatedSocial Media And Its Impact On Society Essay1372 Words   |  6 PagesFacebook are few of the many social media platforms that have become prevalent in our society. Because social media applications and websites allow users with easy access to communication with others around the world, individuals all across the globe are able to socially interact on a daily basis. 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Rape culture is defined as â€Å"an environment in which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence against women is normalized and excused in the media and popular culture† ( Something to keep in mind, the term is called â€Å"rape culture† for a reason. â€Å"Culture† is defined in anthropological terms as lear ned behaviors that are passed on from generation to generation, meaning these behaviors are beingRead MoreVirtual Reality ( Vr ) Environments1252 Words   |  6 PagesEven the term â€Å"virtual reality† brings to mind a superficial view of the world. People can now enter simulations where they see themselves as a different person in a different time and a different place. When compared to the media available to people before the 21st century, this medium for taking in information seems daunting. These simulations enable users to overwhelm themselves with information and stimuli. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Distribution Management

Question: Discuss about theDistribution Management. Answer: Introduction Marketplace studies evaluations have decided that shipping and logistics region is developing rapidly mainly in growing nations like Asian international locations. This sector has benefited more from globalization. Transportation employer consists of truck or bus transportation, air transportation, water transportation and air travel. The technique of Transportation and logistics includes making plans and controlling the flow of uncooked substances, warehousing, garage, and switch to semi-completed and finished merchandise from the factor of basis to stop character. Deliver chain manipulate one of the modern-day dispositions in the transportation of products. Logistics approach the integration of inventory, packing, transport, fabric managing, records, and warehousing. (Kirkeby, 2014) Marketplace critiques said that the transportation and logistics companies are transferring merger and acquisition reputation inside the course of infrastructure. Transportation and logistics agency is gambling a vital function in the global financial gadget. On this industry, the phrase shipping stands for the motion of passengers or human beings from one region or continent to the different place. The phrase logistics pertains to transportation approach movement of merchandise from one area to a few other. In all transportation and logistics technique movement of goods and people from the region to the location. There are three varieties of transportation viz. air travel, railroad transportation, and sea transportation. (Yee. 2013) Efficient, fee great distribution management, an agency need to put forward the basis for actual, inexpensive shipping. They permit smooth implementation of the strategic adjustments of an employer. The company reduces expenses while then again growth customer support. Shipment transport is one of the primary methods of transportation. In preceding time while transferring load and people during the seas became not so smooth anymore. However current, most industrial groups do commercial enterprise globally, and they export merchandise and different matters to individuals and corporations around the sector. The economies of maximum international locations rely on the large element on exporting goods to various nations (Colyle, 2010). There are numerous matters to recollect in advance than deciding on a proper cargo delivery company. The maximum critical thing to don't forget is the timeliness of delivery. The Coca-Cola agency has additionally to care approximately the assurance provided via the enterprise organization of cargo offerings. Earlier than sending items, many things need to understand. Concerning the carrier and technique of goods delivery is inside the followings: Functions of Transportation The accuracy and time of transport: Time of shipping is one of the important, critical matters in choosing logistics cargo offerings. Time is via its transporter mode. Choose for a dependable service - the success of any enterprise widely speak rely upon the functionality to ensure that the customers receive the products they order. Finally, you need to usually pick out-out for a dependable service that makes sure items brought to the respective clients, without fail. A mobile carrier additionally gives you with all the assistance had to abide through the manner of the export and rules in excellent international locations. Assure earlier than finalizing any logistic cargo offerings, and one have to ask for clarification concerning the assurance the organization gives this. The Coca-Cola organization also make a call to the customer support of the logistic organization seeking for a proof approximately the timeliness assures. It's miles vital because of the fact the warranty period closely associated with the transportation mode used, and the charge of postage. The delivery course of action makes objects and products rapid and offers clearly timed and at the edge of efficacy to defend price-introduced downward the after most cost principle. Delivery influences the outcomes of logistics sports activities and, of the system, it affects concept and sale. Inside the logistics appliance, bus rate manage additionally has seemed as an embargo of the heartfelt market. The move for caravan varies by all of the particular industries. For the one's products mutually a small quantity, little weight, and disproportionate value. Transport fee soon occupies an entirely close to the ground part of the balls in the air and is tons much petty seemed; for the ones hard to use, obese and coffee-valued products, truck occupies a carrying a lot of weight percentage of the distribute and affects earnings preferably, and accordingly ways more grandiose done. Transportation performs a connective position close but no cigar of the beyond number steps that inspire th e transformation of sources into satisfying items within the assembly of the particular customer. The scenario for easily a few those talents and sub-features what is coming to one into an appliance of products brain child to cut fee maximize provider to the clients that explain the work of genius of merchandise logistics (Bosman, 2015). The allusion, as abruptly as carved in the stone region, wish to be sufficiently controlled. Historically the one's steps separate like a chicken by all of its head cut off groups for the deal, electronic information, a bucket of the bolt, wholesaling, and retail intercourse, all the same mainly, production/manufacturing plant kingdom, warehousing offerings, merchandising establishments are all approximately doing transportation. Production or trading flowers prescribed the Congress of substances, additives, and substances, without or by all of storage, processing, and backdrop coping within the fabricated and equivocate stock. Warehousing offerings amongst drinks and hype shops perturbed separate transport. Vending establishments pleased the chain by all of the traffic to the customers. The manufacturers intimidated themselves to the concept of products, leaving advertising and bisection to great companies. Warehousing and park can arm of the law in favor regarding offerings for the producing behavior and output delivery. There had been having to do with changes inner the chain and outlook of facilities by all of the closing of many hit user warehouses and a diffusion of mix facilities and dissolution services. (Cooper, 2012) These tendencies adopt elements collectively with better propagation offerings and pressures to recuperate logistics from one end to the other average performance. The position that transportation plays in logistics machine is extra complicated than wearing items for the owners. Its complexity can take effect most likely via enormously important management. As an instance, the way of nicely dealt with the delivery tool, goods can be dispatched to the right vicinity at the appropriate time to fulfill clients demands. It brings efficacy, and additionally it builds a bridge between producers and customers. Consequently, transportation is the base of overall performance and financial system in organization logistics and expands one-of-a-kind capabilities of the logistics gadget. Additionally, a splendid delivery device acting in logistics activities brings blessings not most efficient to company first-class but additionally to enterprise agency competitiveness. Take a look at the license of the company: always try and pick a cargo transport agency that is bonded and authorized. In case you select such companies, you are confident of outstanding customer service, failing which, you may reimburse financially. A licensed corporation offers terrific customer support. The shipment firm this is licensed holds a license from a recognized governing authority. So, it sticks to certain values and standards that are a set up with the aid of the executive department. Maintain in thoughts the prices provided - in case you are an employer character and need to reduce the charge of gadgets that you sell to the customer, you want to lessen the cost of transportation. For that reason, you need to constantly try and choose out the organization which offers very low-fee costs. There are many transportation groups in recent times; as a result, it's going not to be hard to you to discover a cargo transportation company to offer you with the kind of charges Transportation industries have scaled more heights than before, and there are plenty greater patron reviews thanks to the large quantity of information availability. To grow to be a key player in the times of driving opposition, you just want to keep up with the pace of discovery. The idea is to evolve to substitute regarding services and infrastructure. It helps an insider inside the corporation to provide better offerings to the customers as a way to lessen their operational prices through making the sort of facts technology. The in-intensity area information, in addition to technological capabilities, is there to assist customers in overcoming challenges associated with the fee, super, and operations(Fair, 2013). The significance of a great Transportation gadget without dependable transportation, most commercial activity couldn't function. Competitive Advantage to the Company A new and inexpensive transportation device contributes to increased competition within the marketplace, more economies of scale in production and decreased charges for objects. Greater opposition with a poorly evolved transportation equipment, the extent of the market confined too. The areas are right away surrounding the element of manufacturing. Except for production, fees are noticeably small in assessment with those at a construction element that is, the manufacturing price difference offsets the transportation expenses of serving the other marketplace no longer a great deal competition might be to take area. (Ross, 2011) However, with enhancements in the transportation machine, the landed charges for products in foreign markets can be aggressive with other merchandise promoting within the same markets. Savings of Scale Wider markets can bring about lower manufacturing charges. With the additional quantity furnished with the assist of these markets, similarly intense use could make of manufacturing facilities and specialization of hard work commonly follows. Also, cheap transportation additionally lets in the decoupling of contracts and creating websites. Cheap shipping affords a degree of freedom in deciding on manufacturing sites such that production may place in which there is a geographic gain. Decreased Charges Cheaper transportation also contributes to reduced product fees. The prices take area now not only because of the increased opposition inside the marketplace but additionally because transportation is a part charge alongside production, promoting, and distinct distribution costs that make up the mixture product price. As traffic becomes high green, in addition to offering progressed performance, society blessings via a higher stand of the living. (McGinnis, 2014) The hassle solvers act as a bridge between generation and Coca Cola Company to acquire consumer excellence thru optimization of expenses. They are experts at solving essential challenge applications in transportation manipulate answer for the commercial enterprise leaders. Green transport lets in them to offer best purchases experience thru non-forestall technique development and bright rate blessings. The valuable resource pool of working and technical professionals extends over thousand to provide round-the-clock assist to marketplace and Modernization for transportation and logistics vertical. (Network, 2013) The Diversifying Training. The transportation magnificence as it bifurcates into air shipment reserving, warehouse, ability manipulate, warehousing, and distribution, logistics manager overlaying freight, courier, and mail as well as ports, delivery, and terminal managing. The initial solution presented properly here are application development, legacy modernization, aid and preservation of the relevant software program, company and technology consulting and ERP implementation. Similarly, the businesses provide a terrific guarantee and test automation, retail enterprise analytics, and intelligence further to machine integration. Our area of hobby offerings includes business intelligence and analytics. System Unification and Fee Addition. Transportation and logistics services assist the industries in improving their performance and rising visibility for the duration of their network. The particular technique integrates with the charge brought solutions and services so that the logistics establishments can continuously innovate, make use of their technological systems and get maximum benefits. The IT solution groups serve four segments comprising shippers, logistics carrier companies, freight forwarders and different transport agencies. The kind of Services for all Segments. With their help, shippers ought to make their deliveries to customers exactly on time. Freight forwarders can enhance their visibility and keep lots of coins reaching price advantages. A diffusion of offerings enabled in the areas like value introduced services, transport, and warehouse management generation. There are logistics related answers for analytics, once more office optimization, finding out and integration. Hence, clients can get benefits out of hundreds of generation professionals, career specialists for infrastructure and active clients conducting a mutual communicate frequently. Different Participants in Transportation in an Industry The traffic surroundings affect the variety of selections that can achieve in a logistical gadget. Now not like most commercial transactions transportation choices stimulated through six participants: (Cooper, 2012) Merchant and Agent The shipper and consignee have a common hobby in transferring gadgets from starting to excursion spot at a given time at the bottom price. Offerings related to transportation consist of centered pickup and delivery times expected transit time, and zero loss and damage, in addition to the proper and well-timed change of information and, invoicing. Courier Dealers. The company, a commercial enterprise that performs a transportation service, desires to maximize its sales for motion at the identical time as reducing associated expenses. As a company, groups want to fee their clients the highest rate feasible at the same time as minimizing hard work, gasoline, and automobile costs required to finish the movement. To benefit this goal, the provider seeks to coordinate pickup and delivery instances so that it will the business enterprise or consolidate many different shippers' freight into movements that the advantage financial system of scale and distance. Agents and Freight Forwarders are delivery sellers that facilitate carrier and client matching. Authorities The authorities have a vested interest in transportation because of the considerable importance of reliable provider to financial and social nicely-being. Government dreams a wholesome and efficient transportation environment to assist economic boom. A stable and green transportation environment name for that vendors offer critical offerings at an affordable value. Due to the direct impact of site visitors on economic fulfillment, governments have historically extra involved inside the practices of organizations than in maximum different business firms. A current development inside the transportation industry is an in-depth collection of net based totally absolutely and mainly on cloud computing services. The number one benefit of such communications is the potential of corporations to proportion real time statistics with customers and providers. Information change working over the net presents companies the possibility to mixture their buying and become aware of opportunities across an in depth range of potential companies. The availability of actual-time information is enhancing shipment visibility to the factor wherein tracing and tracking are not a venture. Further to actual-time profile, the internet can be used to proportion facts concerning scheduling and capability planning. (Thomas, 2014) Cross Docking Cross docking affect the by the number of interested forwarding chapter and verse for transporting in the earliest and shortest foreshadow possible. The docking show once and for all to costs mean at higher percent and sound management. For our case, Coca-Cola Company has with it an arm of profit by making candy from doing away full costs for packing, loading, and storage. Supplier Authority and Integration. Coca-Cola Company perplex suppliers around delivering their products. The involvement raises the value of information show and tell, and increase the value of oneness which involve unforeseen barriers that manage arise in the style. Lesson Learned. Transportation and union administration incorporate in that logistics and plow back into chain ministry needs to auto to function the entailed work and bolster to gain and a bucket of bolt improvement. Transportation plays an important business in the complete dissolution and plows back into chain management as a result of without it, an excellent distribution action toward cannot realize it gifts into the entire role. The Coca-Cola Company has enhanced the van functionality that has to displease changed the yield and stance of the companys distribution management. Recommendation to Improve the Transportation System Integration in distribution management should spout in sending up the river to gain in a superior way benefit and move in and out reliable complementary in the full process. Through fusion reduction of mid-point, channels should expect. The coca cola gang up with freely provide the drinks during to the deadly consumers which results to cut full expenses and greater so monitoring the sources closely and efficiently. Coca-Cola Company has to act the costs of logistics and systematize, hence fit modernized deal of silent costs, nonchalance and separating all by one lonesome in skepticism of specialties and talent. For instance, the consumers, notably, both wholesalers and retailers should term the drinks output from pause deport. (Ross, 2011) The building a whole and promotion of company businesses crave to stand in with and a convoluted bucket of bolt systems at offbeat stages. The building a whole will gain the convenience on improving the position of interested information stray and companys functionality. Clients and different stakes who sip end output, ratiocinate the company greater efficient and easier using the digital mechanism. Most importantly, physical travail still incomplete to bring to a close the transportation operations. (Cooper, 2012) References Bosman, A. N. P., 2015. Online Transportation and Logistics. 4 ed. London: Advances in Computational Intelligence in Transport Logistics and Supply Management. Colyle, B. N., 2010. Supply Cahin Managemnet. Harvard Journal Review, 8(3), pp. 11-14. Cooper, D. M. L., 2012. Supply Chain Management. International Journal of Logistics, 8(1), pp. 1-13. Fair, E. W. W., 2013. Transportation and Logistics. 6 ed. New Jersy: Business publication. Kirkeby, K., 2014. Transportation: Commercial Industry Surveys. 2 ed. New York: Standard and Poor's. McGinnis, M. A., 2014. Relative Importance of cost in Freight Transportation. Transportation Journal, 30(1), pp. 12-19. Network, L. R., 2013. Re- engineering Logistics and suplly chain management to regain competitivenes, New York: Charter Institute of Logistics and Transport focus. Ross, D. F., 2011. Competing through Supply Chain Management. 5 ed. New York: Chapman and Hall. Thomas, P. M. G., 2014. Invited Review Coordinated Supply Chain Management. European Journal of IOperation Research, 94(3), pp. 1-5. Yee., S.-C., 2013. Technology Integartion of Business. 5 ed. london: Spinger.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Public Speaking free essay sample

First of all, I would said Alhamdullilah all the thanks to Allah S. W. T, which is from His willingness that give me the strength and health to do my Individual assignment: Next I would like to express my thankful feeling to our lecture for the course , which helps in giving valuable and reliable advice and play roles as communication and information consultant about this assignment as much as she could until we understand about the assignment which is the main reason where this assignment can be more informative and more structural. All the basic to deepest knowledge of the existence of Effective Speaking that been teach by her, make life more easier to me and my friend. Then I would like to thanks to my beloved parents which provide all the physical things that may lead to a difficulties and barriers for me if is it not been provided such as money to buy anything that are related to this assignment work and their lovely and motivation advise, which lead for me to have the best spirit and ways to complete this assignment. We will write a custom essay sample on Public Speaking or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Last but not least, my friends who help me a lot giving their honourable opinion which helps me to identify my mistake that lead me to construct it more better in many ways. They had been a good help that makes my work become easier. Thanks a lot, it is so meaningful. TABLE OF CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENT Page 2 INTRODUCTION Page 3 MY VIEW AND SUMMARY Persuasion (Based on book â€Å"Speaking With A Purpose† By Arthur Koch) *Book/ Article 1 The Speech to Persuade (Based on the book â€Å"Basic Public Speaking† By Patricia Bradley Andrews) *Book/ Article 2 Persuasive Purposes (Based on the book â€Å"Public Speaking: Principle into Practice† by James R. Andrews) * Book/ Article 3 -Persuasive Speaking (Based on the book â€Å"Public Speaking† by George Rodman * Book/ Article 4 Principles of Persuasive Speaking (Based on the book â€Å"Public Speaking: An Audience-Centered Approach† By Steven A. Beebe and Susan J. Beebe) * Book/ Article 5 Persuasive Speaking: Types and Design (Based on the book â€Å"Confident Public Speaking† By Deanna D. Sellnow) * Book/ Article 6 Persuasive Speaking (Based on the book â€Å"Public Speaking: The Evolving Art† By Stephanie J Coopman) * Book/ Article 7 Persuasive Speaking (Based on the book â€Å"Public Speaking: Concept And Skills For A Diverse Society† By Clella Jaffe)’ * Book/ Article 8 Principles of Persuasive Speaking (Based on the book â€Å"Public Speaking: An Audience-Centred Approach† By Steven A. Beebe and Susan J. Beebe) *Book/ Article 9 -Article: I speak because There’s a need by Frances James (On the book â€Å"The Challenge of Effective Speaking†) * Book/ Article 10 Page 4-5 Page 6-7 Page 8-9 Page 10-11 Page 12-14 Page 15-17 Page 18-19 Page 20-22 Page 23-24 Page 25-26 CONCLUSION Page 27 REFERENCES Page 28 INTRODUCTION In this modernity era, communication involvement has been one of the important part of human life’s today, it is been the device for us as a human to interact between one another from all type of community starting from family, friends and etc which lead us to understand each other more better. According to John Dolman (1992) stated that communication can be defined as â€Å"means the act of sharing something with others† which come from the Latin word â€Å"con† (with) and â€Å"munus† (a business), through â€Å"communis† (common) and â€Å"communico† (to confer or consult with one another). This explains that communication in our life is the main ingredient to send important message which benefits both sender and receiver example like sharing the news of the world with your friends about the current issues that is happening is a definite of communication conversation. In order a person to communicate well with others human being, ones need to have all kind of communication skills and ways to deliver it in order to ensure the receiver understand, connected and educated about the information that been send to them. The process of communication will run smoothly with the sender of the information which is the speaker know how to apply effective speaking in their communication. Effective speaking consists of informative speech which is a speech that been delivered to educate and inform the audience about their topic whereas persuasive speech is a speech deliver by the speaker to the audience to attract, persuade, convince them with certain topics and issues that can be serious or marketable things. So what is Persuasive Speaking? In this portfolio assignment, 10 book that have related chapter will be explain and summarize to suitable conclusion. MY VIEW AND SUMMARY My view: Persuasion (Based on book â€Å"Speaking With A Purpose† By Arthur Koch) Persuasion is one of the way of life which play the main roles in life of both speaker and audience example importance of politician persuasion towards the audience for their both beneficial. Persuasion have been defined as attempt to influence by always be conscious with ensuring the speaker knows what he or she trying to persuade in order to unsure the attempt is worth it by manage to attract the audience attention in all way. One of the way persuader uses to persuade effectively is by a speaker itself have the competence to win to audience heart with great and good will attitude which is the personal proof. Secondly, Psychological proof that appeals according to attitudes from our experience such as the experience ones gained from religious practice has been use to explained it in a speech and appeals according to motives that encourage a person to stimulates behaviour such as being positive, motivated which lead to ones developing their creativity which leads to a good persuasive speech success. Lastly the appeal of logical proof where the speaker need to have an evidence in order to convince the audience with proper and reliable reasoning such as statistics, laws, rules and regulation and etc. In persuasive speaking there are three type of speech which is speech to convince is a speech to attract the audience to accept and agree with the speaker statement, in other hand is the speeches to reinforce is to remind the audience about important things example by giving a speech about history of a country during their independence day and speeches to actuate usually use by professional speaker that use persuasion for business purpose to fulfil their individual purposes such as salesman persuade their customer to buy their product to ensure that he or she reach the target sale that they want. Summary Persuasion speech is a way to influence with effective technique of personal proof, psychological proof and logical proof using three type of speech which is speech to convince, speech to attract and speeches to reinforce that will organize the persuasive speaking speech to have â€Å"Speaking with a purpose† excellent values. My View: The Speech to Persuade (Based on the book â€Å"Basic Public Speaking† By Patricia Bradley Andrews) All speeches have its persuasive element in their speeches, example you might give speech in giving tips on how to study smart but it also shows the action from the speaker to encourage the students to study. Speaker need to know how to make the audience to accept and agree with his or her point view by knowing what is the speech intended for such as speech to stimulate individual listener such as persuading the listener by informing the importance of doing charity even the speech has been presented in front of group but the information send directly to each individual who is listening to the speech, speech to convince is by persuading a new group of people and which is the audience by delivering speech to gained the audience trust first that will help the speaker to convince them. . In addition persuasive speech that uses action which is speech to incite action to gain the support of the audience example ask the help of the audience to donate their blood which the speaker needs to ensure their speech have the positive element. Persuasive speeches have the intention to make the audience to act positively after hearing one speech. Summary Speeches is a persuasive tools but it depends on how the speaker present uses the basic public speaking three type of persuasive speeches such as speech to stimulate, speech to convince and speech to incite action where it will leave a positive impact to the audience that will change the surrounding. My View: Persuasive Purposes (Based on the book â€Å"Public Speaking: Principle into Practice† by James R. Andrews) Persuasive speaking is by getting the connection with the audience involving feelings, behaviour and action. Persuasive purposes can be speech that designed to stimulate which is to give speech to the audience who already have an agreement with the speaker speech by reinforces their faith and belief, speech designed to convince which is a speech to attract with the audience in order to get them agree with the speech such as convincing the audience to always support the government action because it will lead to lots of advantages to them and speeches designed to actuate with the speaker having the objectives â€Å" I want my audience to feel what I’m saying and react to it † in order the speaker can secure the agreement of his or her listeners. Summary Persuasive speaking have its persuasive purposes categories that has it principle to practice with speech to stimulate that reinforce faith and belief, speech to convince is to attract and speech to actuate that sets objectivity which to ensure the speaker and his or her listener to reach an agreements. My view: Persuasive Speaking (Based on the book â€Å"Public Speaking† by George Rodman Persuasion is an act of motivating someone through communication process which involves us to take a side and defend it. Persuasion can be worthwhile because it convince people on something example if a person persuade his parents to stop argue and they listen to it, it will be a worthwhile effort for the family institution. It also can be ethical, not every persuasive attempt related with lies because as a speaker we must always be honest if we construct a speech that lies to the audience sooner or later they will find it, and then it will lead to bad impression towards the speaker this show good ethics are needed in one speech. Types of persuasion based on its approach it can be direct which speech that inform straight to the point without having any filter such as doing a speech about â€Å"You Smoke, You Die if to be compared with indirect persuasion â€Å"Is smoking bad? † but still the message is proved to it is bad which both of this approach need to be inserted with element of convincing by changing the way they think and actuating to get their immediate intention and action which is the main strategy of persuasive speaking. In order put persuasive strategy into an effect it needs credibility based appeals which the characteristic of the speaker play the main role in delivery the speech of authoritativeness and trustworthiness which mean all the information given are an honest information. Furthermore are the logical appeals that have good reasoning and emotional appeals by have the feeling of believe to the information given. Lastly is about the techniques use for effective persuasive speaking such as knowing your audience by analyze and adapt to it, have a clear speech that is understandable, establish common ground by presenting the new update issues, organize it accordingly in ensuring the speech done smoothly and use variety of tools involving technology and creativity. Summary Persuasive speaking is a motivation element that been applied with good ethics using direct or indirect persuasion on approaches and outcomes on in convincing and actuating by the speaker using all the credibility, logical and emotional appeals as strategy to an excellent speech with effective speaking technique that uses creativity My View: Principles of Persuasive Speaking (Based on the book â€Å"Public Speaking: An Audience-Centered Approach† By Steven A. Beebe and Susan J. Beebe) Persuasion is defined based on process of changing that involves reinforcing attitudes by the speaker to know the attitude of the audience before giving speech in order to know what they dislike and likes such as the audience dislikes topic about sports but likes about cooking. Next process is reinforcing beliefs by knowing the audience beliefs example if the audience are religiously educated, speaker need to insert some of the religious element on their speech to get the acceptance from the audience and last process is reinforcing value by the speaker have the good attitude when they deliver their speech. In order the speaker need to reinforce the entire importance element above they need to be consistent of their speech according to dissonance theory so cognitive dissonance will not occur in your speech that will to discomfort both to the audience and speaker that can block all the good values on ones speech. When it comes to persuading our audience speaker also need to understand the audience needs by using Abraham Maslow theory to understand their needs such as know their physiological needs like politician provide food and drinks to the audience before and after the speech to ensure that the audience will not distract their speech because they are hungry and thirsty, next is safety needs example politician provide security service with all the police securing the occasion place to be safe, social needs to make the audience feel the sense of belonging of the speaker example politician stated the importance of people is their responsibility, self-esteem needs can be explained as the cliche’s action can be explained by the politician telling the audience they are an important asset of the nation and self actualization needs which the speaker persuade the audience to realising their full potential. Persuasive speaking can be informed my inserted the fear appeal to a speaker speech is by threaten or frightened the audience up such as â€Å"If you don’t stop smoking, you going to die horrifically†. When it comes to choose your topics for your speech a speaker need to choose topics the speaker and the audience comfortable to it which mean is a current issues or related issues to the audience which will develop your persuasive speech purpose. Summary Persuasive speaking is a process of reinforcing of attitudes, beliefs and values that will lead to a consistent speech under the dissonance theory to avoid cognitive dissonance by understanding the Abraham Maslow theory in order to understand the audience needs so the speaker can choose appropriate topics for their persuasive speech. My View: Persuasive Speaking: Types and Design (Based on the book â€Å"Confident Public Speaking† By Deanna D. Sellnow) Persuasive speakers develop an argument in support if a position on a topic. Both informative and persuasive speaker seeks to create mutual understanding about a topic but persuasive speaker influence the audience instead of the informative speaker who just only inform the audience but the importance part is that can the speaker leave a good impact to the audience. In order for a speaker to avoid from public speaking anxiety, the speaker needs to make sure he is fully prepared mentally and physically and the most important part is to understand the speech he or she want to talk about. To shape your speech, speaker needs to know about the audience analysis such as when the audience agrees with you the speaker need to seek action such as the audience know that smoking is bad but the speaker explained it more deeply why is it bad, when your audience looks undecided speaker need to seek agreement such as when the audience do not agree smoking is bad but the speaker try as he or she can to convince the audience and when your audience opposes your position speaker need to seek incremental change by requiring their feedback with provide answer and question section, ask their opinion during a speech asking them yes or no. Dispositional persuasive speeches is to influence the audience by concentrating belief which is acceptance of true or false, attitude respond to favourably or unfavourably to something and value all the positive element been inserted in a speaker speech. Actuation persuasive speeches are designed to influence behaviour, this can be done by the speaker ex plain the nature of the topics and seek for their agreement such as explaining about demonstration then focus on the effects. In effective speaking there are three type of claim that can be use in your thesis statement such as claim of fact by stating factual information example explaining history of a country, claim of value by judges a concept or action is it bad or good example Smoking is bad or Natural beauty is better than Fixing beauty and claim of policy which is by telling or asking the audience of the action that need to be taken such as â€Å"What should be done to have a free smoking environment in Malaysia†. Things that one speaker need to know when organizing your main points which is for Dispositional Persuasive speeches are topical, causal, narrative, refutative , comparative advantages, invitational problem and for Actuation speeches problem, solution, modified comparative advantages and Monroe’s motivated sequence. Summary Persuasive speaking needs to influence audience, where speaker need to analyze the audience before choosing the speech topic to avoid from public speaking anxiety by using dispositional and actuation persuasive speech with the support of three kinds of claim fact, value and policy that lead to good main point arrangement based on Monroe’s motivated sequence. My View: Persuasive Speaking (Based on the book â€Å"Public Speaking: The Evolving Art† By Stephanie J Coopman) Persuasion relies on language in term official language use, images in term position or level, and others means of communication to influence people’s attitudes, beliefs, values, or actions. There three type of question when it comes to address ones persuasive speech. Firstly are speeches on question fact in asking either is wrong or right and facts and inferences example when defendant did commit a murder, while the defence argues the defendant did not, second are the speeches on questions of value where shows the quality of a speech and lastly is speeches on questions of policy by asking what course of action should be taken or how a problem should be solved and all of this question have their organizational patterns for speeches by the standard knowing the topic, general purposes, specific purposes, thesis and main points which the speaker need to identified before delivering their speech and they need to use Monroe’s Motivated Sequence to focus on audience outcome when organizing ideas by following it step by step starting from attention, need, satisfaction, visualization and action in order to know the speakers action and audience response. There is five type of audience in public speaking, first is the negative audience which disagree on your topics and here where the speaker responsible in changing their perspective, secondly is the positive audience which an open audience that eager in accepting and know new thing, thirdly is the divided audience which half will favour your speech and the other half not because of their different perspectives, furthermore is the uninformed audience are unfamiliar with your topic and have no opinion about such as explaining religious information to a non religious believer group and lastly the apathetic audience which they know about the topic but doesn’t want it to be applied to them example they know smoking is bad but they want to know what it can cause a person who smoke. As a speaker you must have good ethics when delivering your public speaking such as honesty, trustworthy ethics. Summary Persuasive speech use to influence people’s attitudes, beliefs, values, or ac tions with question of facts, values and policies using the Monroe’s Motivated Sequence to focus on audience outcome to faces the five type of audiences that is negative, positive, divided, uniformed and apathetic which help the speaker to develop their persuasive strategies. My View: Persuasive Speaking (Based on the book â€Å"Public Speaking: Concept And Skills For A Diverse Society† By Clella Jaffe) Persuasion is consider a democracy act where is have been defined as the freedom of speech. When it comes to deliver your persuasive speech, a speaker need find their subject which selecting a topic that you assume that you know more better than anyone with categorizing it to the speaker strong beliefs example you beliefs that homosexuality community is not a good culture and it should be illegal, next speaker strong feelings such as what did the topic make you feel example mad, speaker social ideas such as what you want to change example by having only human nature relationship not homosexuality and speaker personal ideas such as way to handle a situation example by educating and provide religion classes for them to change. Then a speaker can make a persuasive claims also known as a challenge with four types of claims, firstly are factual claims the claims to know either is it true or false which involve debatable points example question the existence of aliens, causal relationship evidence that a particular phenomenon that leads to it example from the father smoking and pass through it to his son or daughter and predictions either things going to happened or not example speaker persuade to prepare of the world end, secondly are value claims which is arguments about right or wrong, moral or immoral example is it good eating vegetables, and lastly policy claims is an argument about the need or the plan for taking action. Speaker also need to focus on beliefs and action when it comes to deliver their speech to the audience, this can be show when what we believe to be true affects how we act, if we look unconvinced and unfocused when we delivering a speech it shows that we know nothing or do not stand for the speech that we speak, as speaker we also need to ensure the element of consistency are in our speech so it will keep the audience and speaker to get going but if inconsistency happened the level of beliefs of the audience will slowly decrease by time to time. The use of Monroe’s Motivated Sequence is to focus on audience outcome when organizing ideas by following it step by step starting from attention, need by gaining audience attention from the starting of the speech till the end of it, then the need step by inserted element of statement, illustration, ramifications and testimony, also satisfaction, visualization step and action in order to know the speakers action and audience response. There are four type of pattern first is direct method pattern where you make a claim, then directly state your reason to support it, secondly is comparative advantages pattern is a pattern use to compare its advantages to those of the competition, furthermore criteria satisfaction which is form a basis for judgements and lastly negative method pattern use to shows other proposal is wrong and you’re is right. Summary Persuasive speech topics selection needs to have a subject that the speaker well known to ensure it have the claim of fact, value, definition or policy to use as a shield to argue with beliefs, actions, values and attitudes in understanding types of audiences using the appropriate pattern with the Monroe’s motivated sequence as a solution. My View: Principles of Persuasive Speaking (Based on the book â€Å"Public Speaking: An Audience-Centred Approach† By Steven A. Beebe and Susan J. Beebe) Persuasion is the process involves attitude, beliefs and value. As a speaker must always motivate their listener by using dissonance the consistent way of speaking rather the discomfort way of cognitive dissonance which an inconsistent speech. Furthermore speaker need to fulfil the needs of its audience based on physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, self esteem needs and self actualization needs based on the Abraham Maslow theory. There is a way speaker can motivate the audience by using positive motivation appeal such as a politician promise if he won the election he will granted all the people with money or by using negative motivation appeal which is by politician telling the audience if they don’t vote for him you will see the last of him in protecting his country. When developing your speech a speaker needs to choose a topic that he believes he can carry it and know the purpose by developing it then the speaker can put the persuasive principles into practice. Summary Persuasive speech use to involve identify people’s attitudes, beliefs, values, or actions with speaker dissonance not cognitive dissonance by understanding needs based on The Abraham Maslow theory using positive and negative motivation appeals to attract audience and it will help the speaker to choose the topic that will present in their speech. My View: Article: I speak because There’s a need by Frances James (On the book â€Å"The Challenge of Effective Speaking†) People when the time comes, that need us to do something, we will stand by it and let people hear our voices out loud where Frances James find herself in the situation where she need to speak the truth to the public in order to save her community that involving lots of moral issues problem such as gang bangers and drugs, high murdered activities and many more brutalize activities. From her public speaking experience that she gained in her school have help her a lot in making the speech she talk as a successful event where she nailed it by answering all the press question and counter them with question such as lack of security level in her community where she throw a statement where she said police are busy out looking for stolen Mercedes but our kids been shot were never a serious issue to be concern. Because of her amazing speech people gathered with her with the number of 200 people when to the police department and handed the report to them. From here we can see that public speaking is important and persuasive speaking that she use have win her lots of audience and convince the community to open their eyes. Summary Persuasive speaking is a medium of your voices and opinions to wins any type of audience hear which you stand for to save and protect them in order it can be heard hope that action will be taken to open their eyes and improve one’s life to become better. CONCLUSION Persuasive speaking talks a lot of the speaker trying to attract, convince and persuade the audience to agree with his or her word for their importance but what persuasive speaking contribute to the community have much more impact to this world without one realizing that it helps to develop the speaker in term of speaking which leads to creation and development of new ability, attribute and speciality, whereas for the speaker it will help them to retrieve new things and to be repeatable inform about things that they know which can help them to develop them become a well educated person. Public Speaking free essay sample Nervousness about public speaking is normal and widespread. A. Many celebrities and public figures admit to a fear of public speaking. B. Many ordinary citizens place public speaking at or near the top of their lists of fears. C. A clear majority of college students list fear of public speaking as their chief communication weakness. 1. James McCroskey’s Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety shows that nearly three-fourths of college students admit to high or moderately high anxiety about speaking in public. McCroskey concludes that a fairly high degree of anxiety about public speaking is normal. D. People experience and exhibit a range of internal and external responses to the stress of public speaking. 1. Chemically and physiologically, we experience stage fright in the same way. a. Adrenaline is released into the bloodstream. b. Respiration increases. c. Heart rate increases. d. Galvanic skin response increases. 2. Symptoms of stage fright can vary from person to person. We will write a custom essay sample on Public Speaking or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page a. Some people experience blushing, excessive perspiration shortness of breath, forgetfulness, or other symptoms. b. As uncomfortable as they can make you, these responses are normal and natural signs that your body is responding to the pressure of performing well. II. Your objective should be control nervousness about speaking, not eliminate it. A. Attempts to eliminate nervousness about public speaking are self-defeating for two reasons. 1. Some degree of nervousness is natural. a. Even very experienced speakers retain some degrees of nervousness. b. Dwelling on your nervousness can make you even more nervous. 2. Some degree of nervousness can actually benefit a speaker. a. Nervousness is energy. Energy enlivens your delivery and gives your speech impact. B. With effort, you can channel your nervous energy and make it work to your advantage. IV. You can build speaker confidence by using some or all of the coping strategies below. A. Know how you react to stress. 1. This knowledge lets you anticipate and deal with the physical signs of stress as you deliver your speech. 2. This knowledge also helps you mask signs of nervousness from your audience. B. Know your strengths and weaknesses. 1. You must honestly evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. 2. Utilize your strengths and mask your weaknesses. . Beware of exaggerating your weaknesses and constructing only â€Å"safe† speeches. C. Know speech principles. 1. These principles, communicated by your textbook and instructor, concern the content, organization, and delivery of a speech. 2. Feeling secure about your content, organization and delivery should make you feel more confident. D. Know that it always looks worse from the inside. 1. Remember that your audience cannot read your mind to detect your nervousness. 2. Untrained audiences are not good at detecting the self-perceived nervousness of a public speaker. E. Know your speech. 1. Knowing your speech does not require you to memorize it. 2. If you have practiced adequately, you should have memorized your major points and their order in the speech. F. Believe in your topic. 1. When delivering an informative speech, you must believe that your topic will be useful or interesting to the audience. 2. When delivering a persuasive speech, you must be committed to the beliefs or actions you are urging. G. View speechmaking positively. 1. Our attitudes help determine our behaviors. a. Speakers who visualize themselves giving effective presentations lower their speech anxiety. b. Speakers who view public speaking as a tedious chore usually communicate that attitude through their speech delivery. 2. To change your attitudes, replace negative thoughts with positive ones. 3. To reinforce positive attitudes about public speaking, seek out opportunities to speak in public. H. Visualize success. 1. Like athletes, public speakers have also used visualization to reduce their nervousness and improve their performance. 2. A study of 430 college speech students revealed lowered speech anxiety among those who visualized themselves delivering an effective presentation. I. Project confidence. . Our behavior helps determine our attitudes. a. Daryl Bem’s theory of self-perception says that if you perceive yourself acting one way, you will assume that you feel that way. b. In order to feel confident, act confidently. 2. Behavior that is free of nervous distractions will make you feel more confident. J. Test your message. 1. Your test audience can tell you whether they understand all the parts of your speech. 2. Your test audience can tell you whether they remember your main ideas. 3. Your test audience can tell you how your vocal and physical delivery help or hinder your speech. You should practice the speech not only in sections but also from beginning to end without stopping. a. You will not have an opportunity to start over while delivering the speech in class. b. Knowing that you can recover from blunders will give you greater confidence. 2. You should practice not only in quiet environments, but also in those laden with distractions. V. Success in your first speech is more likely if you keep in mind two principles of public speaking. A. The more effectively you prepare, the better the speech you will deliver. Every public speech is a blend of content, organization, and delivery. VI. Delivering an effective first speech is easier if you understand seven general steps of speech preparation. A. First, you must understand the speech assignment. 1. Is your purpose to inform, to persuade, or to entertain? 2. What are your minimum and maximum time limits? 3. Are there special requirements for the way you are to deliver the speech? B. Second, you must develop your speech content. 1. If your topic is not assigned, you must select one with your listeners in mind. a. What is your topic, and why have you chosen it? . Who are your listeners? c. What do you want your listeners to know or remember when you finish speaking? 2. You must focus your topic. a. Have you selected a few key points that you can cover in the time allowed? b. Is everything that you say relevant to your topic? 3. You must support your topic. a. Do you use a variety of supporting materials to develop your key points? b. Will your su pporting materials be clear and interesting to your listeners? c. Do you acknowledge sources for anything that you quote or paraphrase from other speakers or writers? Public Speaking free essay sample The image alone sometimes create an enormous effect on most people, causing nervousness, and maybe even fear. Before we jump to that, let’s look at the definition of the word itself. According to Merriam Webster online dictionary, the words Public Speaking has a meaning of â€Å"the act or process of making speeches in public,† or â€Å"the art of effective oral communication with an audience. † Next, what is an audience? An audience is defined as â€Å"a group of listeners or spectators. † From the definitions, we can draw a conclusion that in public speaking, there is an act of both speaking and listening. So what differentiates public speaking from a conversation? While both public speaking and conversation involves a direct and face-to-face encounter, usually public speaking is more of a ‘one-way’ talking. Although nowadays most speakers claim that they want an interactive session, but usually the audience is given a specific time to do so. We will write a custom essay sample on Public Speaking or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Next, in terms of language, public speaking uses a formal language. Because they are speaking in front of a group of people, speakers need to adress their audience in a more formal way. Third, and most importantly, public speaking needs to be structured. They need to have a tight grasp on their topic and do their research thoroughly. The reason the topic ‘Public Speaking’ is chosen is because it is something that everyone needs to do at some point of their lives. It is also based on the In conclusion, public speaking can be defined as the act of making a speech in front of a group of listeners, and is different from conversation in terms of approach, language, and structure. TYPES OF PUBLIC SPEAKING Naomi Rockler-Gladen, a former professor at Colorado State University, wrote on the website suite101 that there are three types of public speaking; informative, persuasive, and ceremonial. These types also defines the purposes, or the reasons the speech is made. More details on the three types of public speaking will be explained below. The first type, informative. Informative has the meaning of giving information, to inform. An informative speech has a purpose to inform, or give knowlegde to its audience about omething that they probably did not know of before. The end goal of an informative speech would be to equip the audience with a brand new knowledge that they can apply to a particular aspect of their lives. The important thing to watch about giving an informative speech is to not put in too much information. Imagine an empty bucket being filled with water. If being filled with too much water then the water will leak out for sure. The same thing applies to the audience. The ‘leaking’ must be avoided at all costs, so the information has to be kept simple, yet useful. The second type is persuasive speech. A speaker giving a persuasive speech needs to be able to persuade the audience to do, or believe in something. Usually, the speaker would try to change the mindset, perception, or behavior of the audience for their own good. Giving an informative speech is not an easy thing to do. The speaker needs to be really passionate about the cause they’re giving, in order to convince and persuade the audience to follow suit. The second thing that can be done is to look for common ground with the audience, try to relate to what they might agree on. Third, try to aim for a smaller scope of issue for a start. As mentioned before, a speaker is given a time limit to deliver his or her speech, and it will not be easy to change one’s mind in such a short time. Third, and last type is a ceremonial speech. There are so many ceremonies in our lives, starting from graduation, engagement, wedding, to funeral. Usually this kind of speech is given to congratulate, or in the case of a funeral, remembering the dearly departed. Thus, the given speech tends to be less formal and more personal than the other types of speeches. The important thing to watch about giving a ceremonial speech is to be appropriate. No matter how well you know the person you are giving speech about, try to not say bad things about them, even if it is meant to be a joke. The point here is to make them feel special, not to bring them down, especially in front of a large group of people. From the three types of speeches mentioned above, we can draw a conclusion that all kinds of speeches will have have to cause some kind of an effect for the audience. Informative speech needs to result in the audience understanding or knowing something they did not know before. Persuasive speech is aimed to change someone’s perspective about something or to ask them to do something, and ceremonial speech should be more personal, and make someone feel special and included in a certain ceremony. PREPARING The key of perfecting anything is through practice, and public speaking is no exception. However, merely practicing will not be sufficient to have a successful public speaking. Aside from practicing, there are also several things that can be done to prepare oneself for the often-dreaded experience. The first thing is to know who the audience will be. Try to get as much information as possible regarding this particular area. Age, gender, cultural brackground, sexual orientation, and religious views are among the most crucial things that a speaker needs to know. These informations will be very helpful to the speakers to determine their style of speaking, the approach that they are going to use, and to avoid offending a particular group. There are three questions that needs to be kept in mind when working on the speech: To whom am I speaking? What do I want them to know, believe, or do as a result of my speech? What is the most effective way to composing and presenting my speech to accomplish that aim? (Lucas, 2004). The next thing that can be identified is the venue. Knowing the ‘battlefield’ in advance will give the speakers a huge advantage. They would be able to plan beforehand, for example, where they want to stand, and if they wish to walk around, what pattern would be best so the audience will not get too distracted, and how they are going to face the audience. Every speakers need to have a tight grasp on their topics. Therefore, they need to do a thorough research before they present their topic to their audience, especially if they are giving an informative speech. Speakers can acquire their materials from many different resources, whether it be the books from the library, the internet, or even their own knowledge and experiences. At the end of every session, usually the audience are given the time to ask questions regarding the topic, and the speaker needs to be able to answer them. There are two words that most speakers always have with them during their seminar or presentation; visual aids. They are usually in the form of a Power Point presentation, which can include texts, audios, and videos. The essence of having a visual aid, aside from making the presentation more interesing, is so that the audience can have a better understanding of the topic. Speakers can include the main points of each of their ideas instead of the whole sentence in their slides, to keep the audience from getting bored. Last, as mentioned above, practice is necessary. Sparing some time to practice will help build confidence, which is an important thing to have in delivering a speech or presentation in public. It will also help determine the length of the presentation, whether it is too long or too short from the given time. From the explanations above, it can be concluded that there are five things that needs to be prepared in public speaking, which are; knowing the audience, identifying the venue, doing a thorough research on the topic, having a visual aid, and practicing. These five elements of preparation could be the key to ensuring the success of public speaking. PRESENTING When all the preparation has been done, comes the real challege; presenting. There are a few aspects speakers need to pay attention to while giving their speech. Language is the main aspect a speaker needs to pay attention to while giving a speech. Whether their purpose is to inform or persuade, language is their tool, their weapon. Therefore, how the use the language is crucial to the success of their speech. Language needs to be used clearly. Words are not limited to a universal meaning, which means that not everyone interprets a word in the same meaning or understanding. A speaker needs to choose their words carefully and make it clear to the audience what they mean of it. Language also needs to be used appropriately. When giving a speech, audience looks up to the speaker to give them something new, something useful. Thus, the speaker needs to know how to deliver their speech to fulfill the audiences’ expectation. Audience tends to prefer if their speaker can deliver their speech without any form of notes or texts. Speaking from the memory shows a great deal of confidence, and that will gain more respect from the audience. However, there is no harm from getting help from notes or flashcards. This can help the speaker remember and focus on their main points, and also keep their speech organized. Language and delivery alone will not be sufficient if the speaker does not have the right body language. Body language includes personal appearance, movement, gesture, and eye contact. The phrase â€Å"don’t judge a book by its cover† is often heard but rarely practiced. First impression will always matter in the way one person looks at another, so a speaker needs to dress appropriately. The movement and gesture of a speaker also affects the audience, for example, if the speaker keeps pacing around the room, it willl distract the audience from the topic and confuses them. Sometimes, when a speaker is feeling nervous, he or she will tend to make move their hands around or play with their hair, etc. This should be avoided at all costs, as mentioned above, to avoid making the audience feels distracted. Eye contact needs to be maintained to hold the audience. Lucas explained in his book that when speaking in front of a small audience, you can look briefly from one person to another, but in a larger audience, it is better to just scan through the audience rather than look at each person directly. It has been mentioned above that it is best if the speaker could prepare visual aids beforehand. While presenting a visual aid, the speaker needs to be clear, but by doing so, they also need to still be connected to the audience, and not be too immersed in their own visual aids. The visual aid itself should be made as large and as intersting as possible. While closing the speech or presentation, speakers can restate their main points, just to remind the audience of the important things that has been said. They can also end it with a special message and encourage the audience to ask questions. Speaking in public is all about confidence.  Wearing the right clothes, movements, gesture, maintaining eye contact, and having visual aids can enhance the speakers’ confidence, and in return, will gain the respect and trust from the audience. Public speaking free essay sample Public speaking is American’s number one fear what is public speaking features communication between a speaker and an audience speaker does most of talking audience centered emphasizes the spoken word usually a prepared presentation Why study public speaking Use in Classroom Career Communication skills outrank all other qualities Community Least expect it Public Speaking: A great tradition The ancient Greeks were the first people to think formally about rhetoric –a systematic analysis of the art and practice of public speaking according to Aristotle Quintilian, Aristotle, Cicero, Socrates, Plato The tradition of public speaking flourished in colonial America during the great awakening The American revolution presented numerous opportunities to demonstrate the power of oratory Decry new taxes In the 19th century public speaking became a hallmark of American society Through public addresses Freely debate political issues, expand their knowledge, and entertain one another 20th century Woodrow- traveled the us advocating the league of nations Martin Luther King Jr Public speaking: a Dynamic Discipline From linear to transactional Communication started off as a linear process 1 way flow of ideas from speaker to audience source – a person with an idea to express message –the ideas that he/she conveys to the audience encodes – the source chooses symbols to express ideas verbal symbols – are the words that the sources uses to convey an idea nonverbal symbols – the means of making a point without the use of words such as hand gestures, movement, and facial expressions channel –the source communicates the encoded message through this medium of delivery receivers- try to make sense of the messages by decoding ecode – receivers process the source’s verbal and nonverbal symbols and form their own perception of the message meaning noise/interference – a phenomenon that disrupts communication between source and receiver Now we consider communication to be transactional Transaction – a commutative exchange in which all participants continuously send an d receive messages Feedback –using verbal or non verbal responses to send and receive messages Shared meaning – a common understanding with little confusion and few misinterpretations Awareness of audiences’ cultural diversity Culture – the values, traditions, and rules for living passed from generation to generation, is learned and influences all aspects of a persons life Worldview – the les through which he/she sees and interprets reality Emphasis on critical thinking Critical thinking – the analysis and evaluation of ideas based on reliability, truth, and accuracy Consider diverse perspectives Research Evaluate each possibility Keep an open mind A focus on free ethical communication Freedom of expression – the right to share one’s ideas and opinions free from censorship- vital in a democratic society Ethics – a set of beliefs shared by a group about what behaviors are correct and incorrect Tell the truth, help the audience make a well informed decision on your topic, avoid manipulative reasoning, incorporate research materials Why prepare Leaving too little time for planning and practicing Focusing on length rather than quality Failing to follow the assignment The Classical Approach to speech preparation Speech preparation process based on principals of rhetoric that Ancient Greeks conceptualized Public speakers have been learning these ideas for over 2,400 years Cicero-a roman lawyer, politician, and famous orator made a treatise (De Inventione) which included 5 key matters for preparing a speech (contemporary scholars referred to them as classical cannons of rhetoric ) Invention The generation of ideas for use in a speech including the speaker’s own thoughts on the topic and ideas from other sources talented speakers select the best ideas for a particular speech based on their analysis of their audience, their choice of topic and purpose, and the research and evidence they gather. We will write a custom essay sample on Public Speaking or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Arrangement (organization) Structuring ideas to convey them effectively to an audience Effective speakers arrange their ideas in the speech body based on the goals they hope to accomplish by delivering the speech Style The choice of language that will best express a speaker’s ideas to the audience Talented speakers state their ideas clearly, make their ideas memorable, and avoid bias. Memory (preparation) To practice and refer to the work that speakers do to remain in command of their material when they present a speech Delivery The speaker’s use of his or her voice and body during the actual presentation of a speech A strong delivery includes speakers voice, gestures, eye contact, and movements when appropriate Preparing and Delivering your first speech Analyze your audience Audience analysis- the process of learning about an audience’s interest and backgrounds in order to create a speech that meets their needs Select your topic Topic-the subject you will address in your speech Determine your Speech’s rhetorical purpose Rhetorical purpose-a primary goal for the speech Informing: increasing your audiences understanding or awareness of your subject Persuading: trying to influence your audience’s beliefs or actions with respect to your subject Marking a special occasion: speaking at and event Create a thesis statement Thesis statement (central idea or topic statement)- a single sentence that sums up your speech’s main message and reflects your narrowed topic and rhetorical purpose Determine your main points Main points-the major ideas you will emphasize in your presentation Generate supporting materials Supporting materials –information that bolsters and fleshes out the claims made in each of those points Includes examples, definitions, testimony, statistics, narratives, and analogies Brainstorming – the process of quickly listing every idea that comes to mind, without evaluating its merits, in order to develop a substantial list of ideas Your goal is to create a diverse list of many possible ideas Research- the process of gathering information from libraries quality, quality online sources, and interviews with sources who are knowledgeable about your topic Bibliographic information The author, the authors qualifications, the name of the source, publication date, the page on which you found relevant information Organize and Outline the body of your speech Outline- contains the text of your speech in complete sentences or briefer phrases A speech outline has 3 major parts Body-the core of your speech and is where you present you main message about your topic Always build the body first, the core of your speech Subpoints- explain, prove, or expand on your main points. In your outline, indicate each subpoint with a capital letter and indent each under its corresponding main point Subordination – each main point must relate to your specific purpose and each subpoint must relate to the main point it supports Outline your introduction and conclusion Introduction Attention getter Brief story, quotations, striking fact or statistic, or humorous incident Thesis statement Show the audience what’s in it for them In one or two sentences summarize why audience members should listen Establish your credibility Indicate any relevant expertise, experience, or education you have Preview your main points No more than one sentence Conclusion – summarizes what you have said and leaves the audience with a memorable impression of your presentation Summary of your main points A brief recap of the major points you mad during your speech Clincher A closing sentence or paragraph that leaves your audience with a vivid memory of your speech Incorporate transitions Transitions – a sentence that indicates you are moving from one idea to another Between the intro and your first main point Between each main point Between the final main point and conclusion Consider your word choice Word choice (diction) –can help make your speech much more memorable and engaging for listeners Consider presentation aids Presentation aid- anything that your audience members can see or hear that helps them understand and remember your message Practice your speech Extemporaneous delivery- your ability to deliver your speech smoothly and confidently from your outline without reading from it Overcoming speech anxiety Speech anxiety (stage fright) – the worry or fear that some people experience before giving a talk Select a topic you know and enjoy Start preparing early Early preparation is key Take care of yourself Plan your time so that days leading up to your speech are as relaxed as possible Visualize success visualization- reduces anxiety, you imagine yourself scoring a resounding success use relaxation techniques relaxation strategies – techniques that reduce muscle tension and negative thoughts enough rest, exercise, reading, watching a movie, listening to music†¦ volunteer to speak first Reducing speech anxiety Feedback Visualization Going first Exercising Relaxing Ethics – rules and values that a group defines to guide conduct and distinguish between right and wrong Codes of ethics: absolute, situational, and culturally relative Ethical absolutism –the belief that people should exhibit the same behavior in all situations Situational ethics – hold that correct behavior can vary depending on the situation at hand Culturally relative – cultures can vary across cultures Responsibility- when giving the speech you wield power of what your listeners thing, feel and actions they take Legal Speech, ethical speech Ethical Speech – incorporating ethical decision making into how you engage the public speaking process and ultimately what you say. Follow guidelines for telling the truth Avoid misleading the audience Legally protected speech –using the law as your boundary for what you may say and how you say it Making decisions about telling the truth or withholding information based on whether there is a legal requirement to make’s a certain action or a legal consequence for violating the rules Communicating truthfully Tell your audience the truth! Lying Intentionally seeking to deceive their audience Half truths When a speaker reveals only part of the truth and then mixes it with a lie False inference When a speaker presents information that lead listeners to an incorrect conclusion Speaker initially drop hints designed to make their audience believe something that isn’t true. Taking evidence out of context – the speaker shares a source’s data or statements without explaining how they relate to the original situation Uses these words selectively to support an argument Omission – presents mislead the audience not by what they say but by what is left unsaid Acknowledging the work of others Plagiarism – presenting another person’s words or ideas as if they were your own Quoting from a source Paraphrasing the works of others Paraphrasing – restating the original authors ideas in her own words Common knowledge Information that is widely known and disseminated in many sources Using sound reasoning Fallacious reasoning – faulty reasoning in which the link between a claim and its supporting material is weak 4 ways to misuse logic asty generalization – a speaker who intentionally generalizes about all members of a group from information based on limited part of the group post hoc (after the fact) fallacy – occurs when a speaker wrongly identifies the cause of one event as the event that immediately precede it personal attacks (ad hominem attacks) – some speakers try to compensate for weak argument by using this bandwagoning (ad populum fallacy)- avoid using reasoning that implies an argument must be true because most people believe it is. Common in ads and marketing Being an ethical listener Ethical audience- qualities include courtesy, open mindedness, and willingness to hold a speaker accountable for his or her statements Show courtesy Focus your attention on the speaker, stop any activities that may distract you or he speaker Demonstrate an open mind Avoid prejudging the speech or speaker Hold the speaker accountable Ask questions, say your opinion