Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Advantages and disadvantages of the options officers have regarding Essay - 1

Advantages and disadvantages of the options officers have regarding the use of force - Essay Example Their major goal is the protection and security of the citizens of the country. In order to attain this goal society, government and the law grants police officers authority in civil government. Police officers use this authority to for the control and the management of the behaviors of the citizens. One of the major advantages in their field is that they can take actions according to the circumstances. They are given permission by the authority to use the forces according to the current situations. While analyzing the challenges of being a Police officer Ashley comments that the greatest challenge for today’s officer is the question of when and how to use the force and how much to use the force. Officers are often considered as the mediators in their careers. They have to analyze the situations where they have to take actions when laws are violated. Their delay or haste in actions and orders can change the whole scenario for them and put the lives of the innocent citizens at risk. Their one wrong decision or wrong step can lead towards the situations where whole society can be put at a risk. New York City Police Department Internal Affairs Bureau points out the acts that a police officer is supposed to do when he is on and off duty, the report says that according to the New York law â€Å"officers also are held strictly accountable to safeguard their weapons at all times. They are not permitted to store or leave their firearms in an unattended motor vehicle and are not permitted to carry their firearms in briefcases, handbags, or other portable containers†. (New York City Police Department Internal Affairs Bureau, 1996) The police officers are considered as the life savers of the citizens in the life threatening situations. They are praised because of their strength, confidence and bravery. They have the permission to carry the gun almost anywhere and investigate any area where they suspect

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Visual Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Visual Analysis - Essay Example However, a tiger soon mauls him as they wander about the jungle, leaving the woman alone. The initial parts of the storyline depict a confused woman left alone too face all the horrors of the jungle. The directors employ visuals to take the audience through the stages of struggles for survival up to a point where the woman realizes the power within her to be the master of the jungle. As such, one can conduct a visual analysis of the music video using thesis statement that human beings are the masters of their environments as long as they are ready to overcome their challenges. A visual analysis of the music video confirms this assertion as shall be indicated below. To begin with, a visual analysis of the music video reveals a lot about the woman and her interaction with the jungle. The directors used color, shape and line to bring out her turmoil. As one may see (Roar 00:00:55), a visual analysis of the music video depicts the woman as scared, confused and as in torment. The form and shape of her face reveals a reaction to something scary. She is either screaming or completely disoriented about something. Use shape and form also reveals that spiders are attacking her. This gives her creeps and sends cold chills up her spine. One may also observe that the use of color and background light have also been employed to bring out the situation in this context as Patterson (48) observes in visual analysis. Use of fading dark colors in the background confirms that she is out by herself in the jungle at night. Such an understanding enables the audience to put themselves in her situation and possibly comprehend her reactions. It also serves as a precursor to the later development in other scenes. Color and light are very instrumental in sending a message about the sub-theme depicted, which is fear on this case. Such visuals are critical for various analyses as Block (79) indicates. However, she starts to be acquainted with the world around her as depicted in this caption . In this scene, one may observe that the woman is now starting to be acquainted with the jungle. At scene 00:02:27, a visual analysis of the music video now depicts the woman in a different way. The directors have contrasted this scene with the previous ones where the woman was in total shock and fear. The use of warm colors with cool green colors in the background now brings out the woman as quite comfortable in her environment. She has made clothing from leaves and other branches. Shape has been used to bring out a calm and confident face while color values and tone confirm that she is better than before. She comes out as an emerging champion as far as adapting to an environment is concerned. He apparent ease with herself and confidence as she swings on a presumably huge hanging root of a tree may be taken to imply her progress in mastering her environment. Another visual feature that the music video employs is space. Although the woman in the music video has mastered her environ ment quite well, the reality is that she is all alone with the animals in the jungle. She wishes to be home. When she stand on a branch and sends a shout-out to her animal friends, one may say that she is also trying to find out if some help could be forthcoming (Roar 00:02:40). A visual analysis reveals an empty space on her sides and in front of her. This is the space of separation after the air crash that has seen her as the only survivor in the thick jungle. Like in many visual depictions, the directors have